It’s nice to get noticed and we love the Nelson Mail for their article about the Saint Clair Vineyard Half Marathon yesterday . The event is all coming together in the usual way. You know how it goes; you write lists, tick stuff off and then notice that you haven’t written the most important stuff on the list!!
So for us the last two weeks before entries open on November 1st is a bit of a whirl; completing the updates to the website (that on the wall planner were all completed last week but that shipment of shirts ended up in Blenheim ENGLAND not Blenheim NEW ZEALAND etc etc) checking the course, booking bands and so on. It always gets finished on time but not without some stress and effort; which we hasten to add is amply rewarded with the buzz of hosting nearly 3000 competitors to this amazing province on 10 May 2014. So dust off the shoes, break out the skinny white legs and make the most of the season!!