Best Exercise Recovery Techniques | Saint Clair Vineyard Half Marathon

Practical Ways to Recover from Exercise


Exercise can be tough on the muscles and joints. Our training superstars Megs and Soph shared a few tips to help us with post training recovery:

1. Cold Shower, Bath

Immersing yourself in cold water post exercise (ideally as soon as possible after) helps to reduce muscle soreness and inflammations produced by exercising.

2. Eat a serving of carbs + protein foods within 30mins of finishing.

This works more efficiently the sooner the better, to replace the lost glycogen (energy) after using it up during exercise. Getting glycogen, aka carbs, back into the muscles to reduce further depletion causing more stress on the body, the better you will be for your next training session. The protein enables muscles to be repaired, and aids in the recovery process.

3. Wear compression tights

2XU World-leading in compression sports garments explains “compression increases venous return to the heart and increases blood circulation. This helps with the removal of blood lactate from muscles to reduce swelling and speed up muscle repair for faster recovery.”

4. Rub on some Massage Cream/Oil

There are tonnes on the market so just choose one that you like. Here are a few options; DoTerra Deep Blue Rub, Real Deal Hurt Cream, EverKind Massage Balm, Tui Massage Balms

5. Go for a walk or light bike spin; aka – Active recovery

Helps to flush out the legs and keep the blood pumping by keeping them moving. 30-60 minutes should be sufficient time or until your legs don’t feel so heavy and lethargic.

6. Use your Shakti mat

The Shakti Mat is covered in spiky points which are designed to stimulate, then relax acupoints on the body. When these points are stimulated, energy (also called chi/ prana) flows through the body. When energy is flowing freely in the body, it is believed that the body’s own built-in healing systems have a better chance to do their job. The points simply put your attention on the area you want it. Overall, this process aims to encourage healthy circulation, healthy sleep, recovery from stress and tension headaches, and improvement in general wellbeing,” – Shakti NZ Website.

7. Take a nap, go to bed early

When you’re asleep it’s the BEST time for your body (and mind) to properly rest and recover, so the more time you can dedicate to sleeping and sleeping soundly, the better you are going to feel. This can be achieved by taking naps at lunch time, weekends or going to bed earlier at night by 30 mins which equals a whopping 3.5 hours a week!

8. Stretch!

This helps to prevent injuries as it reduces how much your muscles tighten up post-exercise helping to decrease tensions, relax muscles, encourage diaphragmatic breathing (yoga style) and will hopefully reduce muscle soreness the following day.

9. Foam roller

Using a roller massage out your legs, back, thoracic, shoulders, and glutes. This works to break up gnarly knots and scar tissue, relax muscle tension, and it promotes blood flow to the areas.

There is just a few weeks left before the 2019 Vineyard Half, so train hard, listen to your body, and make sure you’re getting the right nutrition to support your training.